I have integrated Attask with SAML using Third party IDP (ADFS). I have my web application which also supports SAML and configured with same IDP. I am able to login using IDP in both application (Attask and My app) and able to access Attask application from my app and vice-verca.
Now I have to create project inside Workfront from my app. I am able to create project with admin username/password using rest API call. But when I goto workfront page with help of SSO I am not able to see the project. Because this project got created using admin credentials. This is the main problem which I need to sort out.
I have to create project with current logged in user with the help of rest API.
Does Attask support Oauth token to access API?
Could anyone suggest some good approach. Any help will be highly appreciated!!!
NO workfront API does not work with Oauth at this time. to authenticate you are required to either provide a username/password, sessionID or apiKey. Your best approach would be to add logic to set the user as the project Owner. This way the projects will show up.