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AngularJS : call promise method in factory

I have a angular factory in the following way , but when i try to call getDepositAccountDetailsService i am getting the following error:

TypeError: this.getDepositAccountDetails.getDepositAccountDetailsService is not a function

How to call the promise inside factory.

  tellApp.factory('TabsFactory', function($resource){
    var activetabs = {};
    activetabs.getDepositAccountDetails = function(){
            $resource('XXXXXXX/:number', {}, {      
              getDepositAccountDetailsService: { method: 'GET', isArray: false}
    activetabs.setAccountInfo = function(accountnumber, result) {       
        var accountinit = {               

      if(result.code == "s") {       
         this.getDepositAccountDetails.getDepositAccountDetailsService({number : accountnumber}).$promise.then(function(response){
                 return accountinit.accountInfo = response;

        }, function(error) {

    return activetabs;


$scope.accountInfo = TabsFactory.setAccountInfo(accountnumber, $scope.result);


  • I think you missed couple of things in your code,

    1. return $resource from service method getDepositAccountDetails
    2. this.getDepositAccountDetails should be activetabs.getDepositAccountDetails() because you created a var for factory context.


    tellApp.factory('TabsFactory', function($resource) {
        var activetabs = {};
        activetabs.getDepositAccountDetails = function() {
            return $resource('XXXXXXX/:number', {}, {
                getDepositAccountDetailsService: {
                    method: 'GET',
                    isArray: false
        activetabs.setAccountInfo = function(accountnumber, result) {
            var accountinit = {
                accountInfo: []
            if (result.code == "s") {
                    number: accountnumber
                }).$promise.then(function(response) {
                    return accountinit.accountInfo = response;
                }, function(error) {
        return activetabs;