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Alternative to DataSourceStreamingDataHandler for MTOM testing

In a JUnit test I am using the class which is bad because it is an internal class and Maven refuses to compile my JUnit tests even with -DskipTests flag.

My JUnit test is:

public void test(){
    ClassToTest tom = new ClassToTest();
    URL url = this.getClass().getResource("/myXMLFile.xml");
    File file = new File(url.getPath());
    DataSource dataSource = new FileDataSource(file);
    DataHandler dataHandler = new DataSourceStreamingDataHandler(dataSource);
    MyJAXBObject list = tom.methodToTest(dataHandler);
    for( JAXBTransazioneICT t : lista.getListaTransazioniICT() ){

Is there a good alternative to this class? If not, how can I compile my Maven project?


  • The alternative I found is org.apache.axiom.attachments.ConfigurableDataHandler from Axiom API.

    The maven dependency is:
