I have an oracle database with following scheme:
I use following method to make some inserts in the database.
private void insert(String folder, int seconds) throws SQLException {
stm = connection.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO DM_PROCMON (DM_ID,t_ID, WORKFLOW, TECHNOLOGY, NAME_EVENT, TIME_EVENT) VALUES(DM_ID.nextval,'?', 'up', 'Folder','?', ?)");
stm.setString(1, String.format("%d%d%d.txt",random.nextInt(999),random.nextInt(999),random.nextInt(999)));
stm.setString(2, folder);
stm.setTime(3, new Time(seconds * 1000));
What I get is an SQL exception which says:
java.sql.SQLException: Invalid column index
When I debug, I see it's on the line:
stm.setString(2, folder);
I don't see what the problem is.
Remove the apex around the ?
stm = connection.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO DM_PROCMON (DM_ID,t_ID, WORKFLOW, TECHNOLOGY, NAME_EVENT, TIME_EVENT) VALUES(DM_ID.nextval,?, 'up', 'Folder',?, ?)");
and try again.
is the method setString
of PreparedStatement
that handle the apex around any string for you.