i am trying to make splittable row columns using jquery ui-resizable. so here i need to get sum of the width of previous divisions of which is resizing. below is what i tried. but here if(cells[0] === currentSpan[0])
is not working.. any helps please. And if i can get this sum of div widths without a each
will be great..
<div class='row'>
<div class='simpleSpan' style='width:50px'></div>
<div class='simpleSpan' style='width:10px'></div>
<div class='simpleSpan' style='width:20px'></div>//this one will be re-sizing
<div class='simpleSpan' style='width:20px'></div>
var appendRow = $('.row');
$(".report .simpleSpan").resizable({
handles: 'e',
minWidth: '50',
maxWidth: '500',
resize: function() {
var totWidth = 0;
var currentSpan = this;
var cells = $(".simpleSpan", span);
if(cells[0] === currentSpan[0])
return false;
totWidth = totWidth + cells.width();
Guess this'll help you http://jsfiddle.net/un353ab6/1/
var widthAdd = 0;
var lengthPreDiv = $('.get').prevAll().length;
for(i=0; i<lengthPreDiv; i++)
widthAdd = widthAdd+parseInt($('.get').siblings().eq(i).width());