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Language of JavaFX color picker

Is there a way to change language of ColorPicker's texts such as "Custom Color...", "Current Color", "New Color", "Hue", "Saturation", "Brightness", "Opacity", "Save", "Use", "Cancel"?

enter image description here


  • EDIT: Below answer is for those who need some more exotic language. If you use one of those: de, es, fr, it, ja, ko, pt, sv, zh @sergey-grinev provided sufficient answer.

    I came up with two solutions. Both rely on properties file. You can create your own based on examples found in com/sun/javafx/scene/control/skin/resources/ in jxfrt.jar provided with JRE.

    All examples will use polish Locale (new Locale("pl", "PL")) which is not built-in.

    Solution 1

    Create JAR file with following structure (change suffix accordingly)


    and place it in


    That's it.

    I'm not sure what the license says about placing custom files in com.sun.* packages, so here's another solution.

    Solution 2

    Create properties file like above, but you can name it whatever and place it wherever you want. Let's say it will be


    Create two classes - ResourceBundle.Control and ResourceBundleControlProvider (read more) like this.

    public class CustomLocaleFxResourceBundleControl extends ResourceBundle.Control {
        static final String FX_BASE_NAME = "com/sun/javafx/scene/control/skin/resources/controls";
        private static final Locale MY_LOCALE = new Locale("pl", "PL");
        public String toBundleName(String baseName, Locale locale) {
            if (FX_BASE_NAME.equals(baseName) && MY_LOCALE.equals(locale))
                return "path/to/my/resources/polish"; // without extension
            return super.toBundleName(baseName, locale);
    public class CustomLocaleFxResourceBundleControlProvider implements ResourceBundleControlProvider {
        private static final ResourceBundle.Control MY_RESOURCE_BUNDLE_CONTROL = new CustomLocaleFxResourceBundleControl();
        public ResourceBundle.Control getControl(String baseName) {
            if (CustomLocaleFxResourceBundleControl.FX_BASE_NAME.equals(baseName))
                return MY_RESOURCE_BUNDLE_CONTROL;
            return null;

    Compile those classes and put them in JAR file along with your resource and META-INF folder. META-INF folder should have following structure


    java.util.spi.ResourceBundleControlProvider is a text file which only line is path to ResourceBundleControlProvider class. In our case it's just


    Complete JAR put in
