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Open file from user input and then read the values stored on the file

Hi so I have a client and a host. I want the client to open a file whose file name is obtained from user input and then read the numbers stored on the file and send the numbers to the host.

Socket clntSock = new Socket("", 6000);
Scanner in = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("What is the filename?");
String input = in.nextLine();
File file = new File(input);
String msgToSend = input;
byte[] bytesToSend = msgToSend.getBytes();
OutputStream out = clntSock.getOutputStream();

At the moment thats what I have. I am stuck on how to scan the numbers on the file. Obviously it sends the file name to host as I set

String msgToSend = input; 

The file looks like this (Anthony.txt).


Numbers are stored like that in the file. Any ideas on how could I instantiate a Player object and set the name and scores for the player from the file data and transfer the Player object to the server?

My host code:

 ServerSocket servSock = new ServerSocket(6000);
 PrintStream fileOut = new PrintStream("Datafromclient.txt");

 while (true)
    Socket clntSock = servSock.accept();
    InputStream in = clntSock.getInputStream();
    byte[] receiveBuf = new byte[BUFSIZE];
    int recvMsgSize =;
    System.out.println("received data >> "+ new String(receiveBuf));
    fileOut.println(""+ new String(receiveBuf));

First I was asked to make a game which creates a player and stores the scores into a file.

Player class:

//Class declaration of Player class
public class Player
/*--------------- Data Fields ---------------------------------------
Attributes of the class
private String name;
private int playerId;
private int bestScore;
private static int numberOfPlayers = 0;
private ArrayList<Integer> scores = new ArrayList<Integer>();

/* -------------- CONSTRUCTOR --------------------------------------
public Player(String name)
{ = name;
    playerId = numberOfPlayers;


//Create set method for setName
public void setName(String name)
{ = name;

//Create set method for setScores
public void setScore(int score)

//Create get method for getPlayerId
public int getPlayerId()
    return this.playerId;

//Create get method for getName
public String getName()

//Create get method for getScores
public ArrayList<Integer> getScores()
    return scores;

//Create get method for getBestScore
public int getBestScore()
    return bestScore;

//Method to expose the value of numberOfPlayers
public static int getNumberOfPlayers()
    return numberOfPlayers;

//Create get method for calcualteAverage
public double calculateAverage()
    Integer sum = 0;
        for(Integer score : scores)
            sum += score;
        return sum.doubleValue() / scores.size();
    return sum;


The application:

    String name;
    int scores;

    PrintStream fout = new PrintStream(new File("PlayerData2.txt"));
    //Create Scanner object
    Scanner input = new Scanner (;
    //Ask user for name
    System.out.printf("\n Enter Player Name:");
    name = input.nextLine();
    //Create a Player Object
    Player player1 = new Player(name);

    for (int i=0; i<5; i++)
            //Ask user for number input
            System.out.println("Please pic a number between 1 - 20");

            Random rand = new Random();
            int answer = rand.nextInt(20) + 1;
            if ((answer >= player1.getScores().get(i)))
                    System.out.println("Your guess is too low");
            else if(answer <= player1.getScores().get(i))
                    System.out.println("Your guess is too high");


    fout.println( "" + player1.getName() );
    fout.println( "" + player1.getScores().get(0) );
    fout.println( "" + player1.getScores().get(1) );
    fout.println( "" + player1.getScores().get(2) );
    fout.println( "" + player1.getScores().get(3) );
    fout.println( "" + player1.getScores().get(4) );


  • This is one way you could do it,

    // Use a Scanner to read the File
    Scanner readFile = new Scanner(file);
    // Loop Through Each Line
    while(readFile.hasNext()) {
        // Get Number as a Byte
        byte[] number = readFile.nextLine().getBytes();
        // Write number to OuputStream
        // Flush OuputStream, Never forget to Flush your OutputStreams

    If you want to send the Numbers all at once you could just store them in an Array or StringBuilder first then do with it what you want.


    I see you want to send the Player object, not sure how to do that, atleast now you can see how to read the text file.