Using the CFLDAP tag in ColdFusion I can successfully retrieve someone's distinguidedName and manager attributes with a filter like this:
(&(objectcategory=person)(objectclass=user)([email protected]))
This reveals values such as these for the distinguidedName and manager attributes:
CN=Test\, Tim,OU=Dev,OU=IS,OU=Resources,OU=Staff,DC=natlib_1,DC=nls,DC=uk
CN=Test\, Sue,OU=Dev,OU=IS,OU=Resources,OU=Staff,DC=natlib_1,DC=nls,DC=uk
What I want to do next is find everyone else managed by Sue Test. The only attribute available to do this (that I can see at least) is the 'manager' attribute which has the dn syntax. Logic would suggest something like this:
(&(objectcategory=person)(objectclass=user)(manager=CN=Test\, Sue,OU=Dev,OU=IS,OU=Resources,OU=Staff,DC=natlib_1,DC=nls,DC=uk))
But nope... that returns nothing. I've spent hours Google-ing and trying all sorts of alternatives but nothing I have found so far works. So if someone could provide me with the correct value to put in the filter attribute of the ColdFusion CFLDAP
tag to filter on a dn syntax LDAP attribute such as manager, I'd be eternally grateful!
(Identities changed in the included example to protect the innocent!)
Replace the backslash before the comma with \5c and it should work.