I have created a factory class called AlarmFactory as such...
1 class AlarmFactory
2 {
3 public static Alarm GetAlarm(AlarmTypes alarmType) //factory ensures that correct alarm is returned and right func pointer for trigger creator.
4 {
5 switch (alarmType)
6 {
7 case AlarmTypes.Heartbeat:
8 HeartbeatAlarm alarm = HeartbeatAlarm.GetAlarm();
9 alarm.CreateTriggerFunction = QuartzAlarmScheduler.CreateMinutelyTrigger;
10 return alarm;
12 break;
13 default:
15 break;
16 }
17 }
18 }
Heartbeat alarm is derived from Alarm. I am getting a compile error "cannot implicitly convert type...An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?)". How do I set this up to return a derived type?
THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR ANSWERS. I fixed the compile error within ten minutes which is why i did not post the whole error. But I appreciated the different approaches that were mentioned.
For the record it was "Cannot implicitly convert type 'goAlarmsCS.HeartbeatAlarm' to 'goAlarmsCS.Alarm' An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?)". (I think.) The error was occurring on line 8.
Below is a solution that includes a specific GetHeartbeatAlarm function to retrieve a HeartbeatAlarm object as well as a generic GetAlarm function to return an alarm whose type is determined by the generic parameter. At the bottom there is some example code showing how this would be called:
enum AlarmTypes
// ...
delegate void CreateTriggerDelegate();
class Alarm
// ...
public CreateTriggerDelegate CreateTriggerFunction { get; set; }
class HeartbeatAlarm : Alarm
// ...
public static HeartbeatAlarm GetAlarm()
return new HeartbeatAlarm();
class QuartzAlarmScheduler
public static CreateTriggerDelegate CreateMinutelyTrigger { get; set; }
class AlarmFactory
public static Alarm GetAlarm(AlarmTypes alarmType) //factory ensures that correct alarm is returned and right func pointer for trigger creator.
switch (alarmType)
case AlarmTypes.Heartbeat:
return GetHeartbeatAlarm();
throw new ArgumentException("Unrecognized AlarmType: " + alarmType.ToString(), "alarmType");
static Alarm _GetAlarm<T>()
where T : Alarm
Type type = typeof(T);
if (type.Equals(typeof(HeartbeatAlarm)))
return GetHeartbeatAlarm();
throw new ArgumentException("Unrecognized generic Alarm argument: " + type.FullName, "T");
public static T GetAlarm<T>()
where T : Alarm
return (T)_GetAlarm<T>();
public static HeartbeatAlarm GetHeartbeatAlarm()
HeartbeatAlarm alarm = HeartbeatAlarm.GetAlarm();
alarm.CreateTriggerFunction = QuartzAlarmScheduler.CreateMinutelyTrigger;
return alarm;
class Example
static void GetAlarmExamples()
HeartbeatAlarm alarm;
alarm = AlarmFactory.GetHeartbeatAlarm();
alarm = AlarmFactory.GetAlarm<HeartbeatAlarm>();
alarm = (HeartbeatAlarm)AlarmFactory.GetAlarm(AlarmTypes.Heartbeat);