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How to create an epub with drmed?

I want to crate an epub file with drm , so when I open it with adobe edition reader or ibooks, it will reports it's drmed .

Here is some refs:


  • If you want to programmatically add (Adobe) DRM to EPUB files, you need to purchase an Adobe Active Content Server license from Adobe (and it is not cheap!):

    If you are just interested in having one single EPUB file DRM'ed, probably the best/easiest/cheapest way is to distribute it through a platform that will add the DRM for you (usually, for a cut on the sell revenues).

    BTW, why do you want to add the (Adobe) DRM? It can be easily removed with one click, and it is an absolute hassle for legitimate buyers. Adding a watermark might be a better alternative, if you are concerned about illegal sharing.