This function is from CamanJS library. This is the code for tiltshift effect of plugin
Caman.Filter.register("tiltShift", function(opts) {
var defaults, gradient;
defaults = {
center: {
x: this.dimensions.width / 2,
y: this.dimensions.height / 2
angle: 45,
focusWidth: 200,
startRadius: 3,
radiusFactor: 1.5,
steps: 3
opts = Util.extend(defaults, opts);
opts.angle *= Math.PI / 180;
gradient = getLinearGradientMap(this.dimensions.width, this.dimensions.height,,, opts.angle, opts.focusWidth, true);
return this.processPlugin("compoundBlur", [gradient, opts.startRadius, opts.radiusFactor, opts.steps]);
I supplied the following values as parameters.
But the default angle is still 45. How do I change it?
Looking over the documentation, the specific way to call this is:
tiltShift({ angle: 0 });
The call to Util.extend()
in the method creates an object that has the properties of defaults
, but is changed to any values that are supplied in opts
(the object passed to tiltShift()