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Annotating/applying labels to classes in Eclipse package explorer

Personally, I am a very visual-oriented sort of person. A long list of classes, especially with similar names, in one package in Eclipse can be a pain to stare at. Is there an Eclipse plugin or a way to annotate classes in the Package Explorer with colors?

I am aware of and currently use Eclipse working sets, but I would like to furtherly color-label the classes themselves in the package explorer list.

Seems like a pretty far-fetched request, but is it possible?


  • Yes there is an plugin call Resource Decorator Check this blog for more details.

    Check the motivation section:

    While working with mylyn and working sets helps to organize the workspace, I was always missing some visual distinction between different project types. Like having different colors for plug-ins and features or highlight important files.

    You can use regular expression to decorate a set similar resources.