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Formatting matrices to be read left to right

I need my matrices to look exactly like this.

 Here are the two matrices, and the result when added: 
    2   2   7   4        3   4   3   3        5   6  10   7
    4   4   8   8        6   8   5   5       10  12  13  13
    1   9   3   7        6   8   6   9        7  17   9  16
    2   3   2   9   +    4   4   7   1   =    6   7   9  10
    2   9   1   1        9   8   2   5       11  17   3   6
    6   1   8   4        4   8   2   2       10   9  10   6

Each number should use 4 positions in the output, and the + and = should be in the middle row, but I can not get the + and = signs to stay for smaller arrays. My problem may be with my if (i == 3 && j == 3) statements. My code for this part is as follows.

   public static void printResult(int [][]array1, int [][]array2, int[][]sum, char arithmetic)
    // Declares 2-dimensional array the same size as one in parameters
    int [][]arraySum = new int [array1.length][array1[0].length];

    // Arithmetic characters to be printed when asked for
    String add = "+";
    String subtract = "-";
    String multiply = "*";
    String divide = "/";
    String remainder = "%";
    String equals = "=";

    // If arithmetic is addition to print matrices and add them to show result
    if (arithmetic == '+') {
        // Text for two matrices when added
        System.out.print("Here are the two matrices, and the result when added:\n");

        // For loop to print array1 + array2 = sum with format
        for (int i = 0; i < arraySum.length; i++) {
            // For loop to print out array 1 and add string
            for (int j = 0; j < arraySum[i].length; j++) {
                System.out.printf("%3s", array1[i][j] + " ");     
                if (i == 3 && j == 3) {
                    System.out.printf("%2s", add);

            // For loop to print out array2 and equals string
            for (int k = 0; k < arraySum[i].length; k++) {
                System.out.printf("%3s", array2[i][k] + " ");
                if (i == 3 && k == 3) {
                    System.out.printf("%2s", equals);

            // For loop to print out sum of array1 + array2
            for (int l = 0; l < arraySum[i].length; l++) {
                System.out.printf("%3s", sum[i][l] + " ");
    else if (arithmetic == '-') {
    else if (arithmetic == '*') {
    else if (arithmetic == '/') {
    else if (arithmetic == '%') {

Example of what I get for 3x3 arrays. (should still print + or =).

5  3  5      6  7  4    11 10  9
8  2  9      1  5  5     9  7 14
9  7  3      2  5  1    11 12  4


  • Try if (i == arraySum.length/2 && j == arraySum[i].length-1).