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JButton in IDE will click, but not in the .jar file

In the Netbeans IDE, I wrote a program that creates a JButton in a JFrame. The JButton is visible, and it is clickable, but when the JButton is clicked, sometimes the program will not detect it. The cases where this happens is always when I run it from the .jar file Netbeans compiles for you automatically. My code that waits for the JButton to be clicked is as follows:

while(!(btn.getModel().isPressed())){ //btn is the JButton here

This works in the Netbeans, when I run it inside the IDE, but it never detects when the JButton is clicked when the program is run with the .jar file. One thing that I did try is to add a delay in the loop. At first I thought that the loop was looping too fast too detect a single click, so I added a delay of 1 millisecond in between:

    }catch(InterruptedException e){
        '//Exception handling

This also works in the IDE, but it still does not work in the .jar file. Is there a problem with btn.getModel().isPressed()? If there is a problem, what is a good alternative to btn.getModel().isPressed()?


  • You might want to try using an ActionListener.

    To add an ActionListener to your button, use this: btn.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){ }); Now that you've done that, inside of the ActionListener, put this method: public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0){ } Now that you've done that, insert the Thread.sleep(1) into the actionPerformed method.