I'm programming server on java, and I need to use math with the help of JUEL.
For example 2*2+2 and it will print out the result 6. The problem is, it doesn't work.
Here is a method for mathematics:
public static void Math(String operation){
ValueExpression expr = f.createValueExpression(cont, "${" + operation + "}", Object.class);
So, I take an operation as String "8+5+4"and print out result on conlsole.
May be I use JUEL in a wrong way?
while ((newLine = in.readLine()) != null) {
try {
Pattern patternMath = Pattern.compile("<MATH>(\\s*?)(\\d+)(\\s*?)([-+/\\*])(\\s*?)(\\d+)");
Matcher matcher = patternMath.matcher(newLine);
Pattern pattCSEN = Pattern.compile("<RU-EN>(.*)");
Matcher matCSEN = pattCSEN.matcher(newLine);
Pattern pattENCS = Pattern.compile("<EN-RU>(.*)");
Matcher matENCS = pattENCS.matcher(newLine);
if (matENCS.find()) {out.println("<TRANSLATION> " + ENGtoCZ(matENCS.group(1)));}
else if (matCSEN.find()) {out.println("<TRANSLATION> " + CZtoENG(matCSEN.group(1)));}
else if (newLine.equals("<BYE>")) {
else if (matcher.find()) {
} else {
}catch(Exception ex){
} catch (Exception e) {
Here are the following lines to always make sure that you have in your code. Make sure you have the context set up something like the following:
SimpleContext context = new SimpleContext();
You expression object should be of the Implemented class, something like the following:
ExpressionFactory factory = new ExpressionFactoryImpl();
Secondly put your ValueExpression in a try block, in case anything goes wrong, you will know the problem from the caught exception.
Check how expression is entered with a System.out
as in:
Object display = expr.getValue(context);
System.out.println("> " + display);
Some additional reference is Here