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Entity Framework: Assign entity to property of another entity

I have these entities (this is just an abstraction I created for this post):

  • Language
  • District
  • Description

These are the references between them:

  • District * - 1 Language
  • Description * - 1 Language
  • District 1 - 1 Description

If I fetch like this:

var myFetch = from c in context.Districts
              where c.Id = 10
              select new { DistrictId = c.Id, Lang = c.Language };

and after that, I try to assign it to Description like this:

Description desc = Description.CreateDescription(0, "My description");
desc.DistrictReference.EntityKey = new EntityKey("MyEntities.Descriptions", "DistrictId", myFetch.DistrictId);
desc.Language = myFetch.Lang; //throws error

The error thrown is:

System.InvalidOperationException: The relationship cannot be defined because the EntitySet name 'MyEntities.Descriptions' is not valid for the role 'District' in association set name 'MyEntities.District_Description'.

What am I doing wrong?


  • if myFetch were to be an instance of the class District you could do it programmatically:

    desc.DistrictReference.EntityKey = new EntityKey(  