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query by date in mongodb

I'm able to insert an entry into MongoDB using the golang driver and but I'm not able to pull it out. In the mongo shell, if I do

db.Items.find({ date : 1428762411980 })

it shows me the entry that I just inserted with the Go code. However, if I try to do the following to fetch it in Go, it's telling me that the record isn't found

    func fetch(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request){
         var result SomeStruct
         date := r.FormValue("date")
         err := Items.Find(bson.M{"date":date}).One(&result)
         ...code omitted...


   func Items() *mgo.Collection {
       return DB().C("Items")

   func DB() *mgo.Database {
      return DBSession().DB("mydb")

One thing I noticed was that, in the shell, the date is stored as a NumberLong

 "date" : NumberLong("1428762411980")

I'm wondering if I have to do something with the date value that I receive from the form in the fetch function before using it to query the database?


Before saving the data to the db, it comes in as a json string like this


I then decode it into a struct

type blah struct{
    Id bson.ObjectId `json:"id" bson:"_id"`
    Date int64 `json:"date" bson: "date"`

And it gets saved like this (as shown in the shell)

 "date" : NumberLong("1428762411980")


  • r.FormValue returns a string, but you need an int64. Use strconv.ParseInt. Then your query should work.

    date, err := strconv.ParseInt(r.FormValue("date"), 10, 64)
    // handle err
    err = Items.Find(bson.M{"date":date}).One(&result)