Suppose my VHDL code is like this:
entity x1:
port(a: out std_logic;
architecture behv1 of x1 is
end behv1;
entity y1
port(b: in std_logic;
architecture behv1 of y1 is
m1: x1 port map(a=>b);
end behv1;
So, here a is the output signal of entity x1 which is connected directly to input b of other entity y1.
You're kinda going about it in the wrong way.
entity y1
provides the interface of the y1
entity. It specifies that you have an input to the entity, b
. This means that you can read the value of b
from inside your architecture
declaration. You should then implement what you want your y1
module to do inside architecture behav1
From what I understand though, you want to instantiate an x1
and a y1
, then connect them together. To do this, you need to provide an implementation of x1
and y1
, and then instantiate both in a separate top-level and connect them together. Something like this:
entity x1:
port(a: out std_logic;
architecture behv1 of x1 is
-- Do something...
end behv1;
entity y1
port(b: in std_logic;
architecture behv1 of y1 is
-- Do something...
end behv1;
entity toplevel
port (
clk : in std_logic;
architecture toplevel_arch of toplevel is
signal x1_output : std_logic; -- Temp to connect both modules
m_x1: x1 port map(a => x1_output);
m_y1: y1 port map(b => x1_output);
end toplevel_arch;