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Creating Custom DataType for GoogleFit

I've been trying to create a custom data type for a google fit application and I have been running into a few errors. Originally ConfigApi.createCustomDataType was getting the following error

"non-static method 'createCustomDataType (, be referenced from a static context"

So I instantiated the ConfigApi to bypass that error and then I got the following error when I ran the application:

java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke interface method 'void' on a null object reference

That error is coming on this line: pendingResult.setResultCallback

I'm hoping someone can help me out with what I doing wrong before I start to make a bigger mess than I already have. Below is the code I am working with:

    // build a request to create a new data type
    DataTypeCreateRequest request = new DataTypeCreateRequest.Builder()
            .addField("custom", Field.FORMAT_INT32)

    // invoke the CONFIG API with (Google API client object and create data type request)

    // instantiating ConfigApi due to the following error:
    // non-static method createCustomDataType cannot be referenced from a static context 

    ConfigApi configApi = new ConfigApi() {
        public PendingResult<DataTypeResult> createCustomDataType(GoogleApiClient googleApiClient, DataTypeCreateRequest dataTypeCreateRequest) {
            return null;

        public PendingResult<DataTypeResult> readDataType(GoogleApiClient googleApiClient, String s) {
            return null;

        public PendingResult<Status> disableFit(GoogleApiClient googleApiClient) {
            return null;

    PendingResult<DataTypeResult> pendingResult =
            configApi.createCustomDataType(mClient, request);
      * ConfigApi.createCustomDataType was getting the following error:
      * non-static method 'createCustomDataType 
      * (,
      * cannot be referenced from a static context

    // 3. Check the result asynchronously
    // (The result may not be immediately available)
            new ResultCallback<DataTypeResult>() {
                public void onResult(DataTypeResult dataTypeResult) {

                    if (dataTypeResult.getStatus().isSuccess()){
                        DataType customType = dataTypeResult.getDataType();
                        // Use this custon data type to insert data in your app

                    // Retrieve the created data type
                    // Use this custom data type to insert data in your app
                    // (see other examples)



  • When you create your GoogleApiClient, make sure to add the config API:

     GoogleApiClient client = new GoogleApiClient.Builder()