Out of curiosity,
Is it possible to derive making the parent members mutable
? Is there any reasonable way to modify the following code and make it compile? (Keeping foo()
a const
method and int a
not mutable
when declared in the parent class A
class A {
int a;
class B : public A {
void foo() const {
a = 10;
Normally, needing to modify a const
value means you have a design error elsewhere that needs to be fixed... but if you really need to, you can do so with a const cast; e.g.
const_cast<int&>(a) = 10;
Given that you say you want to treat the base class itself as mutable, you might consider casting away the constness elsewhere, e.g. by making a member function
A& hack() const { return const_cast<B&>(*this); }
and then you can implement foo
hack().a = 10;
This solution has the drawback of hiding the const_cast
behind a function call, so you would need some way to ensure that someone reading your code knows you're doing something 'evil' (e.g. via a well chosen name for the function). This version has some advantages, however:
, and not to members of B