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AngularJS: ngView inside a custom directive

I'm trying to use ng-view inside a custom directive but it's not working and it's also not giving me any console error.

This is my directive:

(function() {
    'use strict';

        .directive('header', Header);

    Header.$inject = ['USER_AGENT'];

    function Header(USER_AGENT) {
        return {
            restrict: 'A',
            templateUrl: 'app/shared/header/header.html',
            controller: controller

        function controller($scope) {
            $scope.isMobile = USER_AGENT.isMobile;


And inside header.html file I have a call to ng-view just like I was calling it outside (when it was working). Is it possible to nest ngView inside a custom directive?


  • AngularJS does not support multiple ng-views in one app. If you want it - you have to use another routing engine, for example Angular UI's ui-router