I'm trying to write lines in a valid JSON format using C# in a efficient way What the file should look like:
"uuid": "c92161ba-7571-3313-9b59-5c615d25251c",
"name": "thijmen321"
"uuid": "3b90891d-e6fc-44cc-a1a8-e822378ec148",
"name": "TehGTypo"
"uuid": "5f820c39-5883-4392-b174-3125ac05e38c",
"name": "CaptainSparklez"
I already have the names and the UUIDs, but I need a way to write them to a file. I want to do this one by one, so, first the file looks like this:
"uuid": "c92161ba-7571-3313-9b59-5c615d25251c",
"name": "thijmen321"
Then like this:
"uuid": "c92161ba-7571-3313-9b59-5c615d25251c",
"name": "thijmen321"
"uuid": "3b90891d-e6fc-44cc-a1a8-e822378ec148",
"name": "TehGTypo"
etc. But of course, the UUIDs and the names are different, so how can I do this in a efficient way without using any APIs etc.? My current (really inefficient) code:
public void addToWhitelist()
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(whitelistAddTextBox.Text)) return;
string player = String.Empty;
string url = String.Format("https://api.mojang.com/users/profiles/minecraft/{0}", whitelistAddTextBox.Text);
HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(new Uri(url));
request.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
using (WebResponse response = request.GetResponse())
using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
player = reader.ReadToEnd();
catch (WebException ex)
Extensions.ShowError("Cannot connect to http://api.mojang.com/! Check if you have a valid internet connection. Stacktrace: " + ex, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
catch (Exception ex)
Extensions.ShowError("An error occured! Stacktrace: " + ex, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(player)) { Extensions.ShowError("This player doesn't seem to exist.", MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; }
player = player.Replace(",\"legacy\":true", "")
.Replace("\"id", " \"uuid")
.Replace("\"name", " \"name")
.Replace(",", ",\n")
.Replace("{", " {\n")
.Replace("}", "\n },");
File.WriteAllText(Program.programPath + @"\Servers\" + servers[currentIndex].Name + @"\whitelist.json", "");
using (StreamWriter sw = File.AppendText(Program.programPath + @"\Servers\" + servers[currentIndex].Name + @"\whitelist.json"))
foreach (string s in File.ReadAllLines(Program.programPath + @"\Servers\" + servers[currentIndex].Name + @"\whitelist.json"))
if (s.Contains("[") || s.Contains("]") || s.Equals(Environment.NewLine)) continue;
else sw.WriteLine(s);
whitelistListBox.Items.Add("\n" + whitelistAddTextBox.Text);
catch (Exception ex) { Extensions.ShowError("An error occured while update whitelist.json! Stacktrace: " + ex); }
The recommand "Microsoft" way is with a data contract and the DataContractJsonSerializer.. see here
an example of the contact would be:
internal class Person
internal string name;
internal string Uuid ;
you use the class in the following way (obviously)
Person p = new Person();
p.name = "John";
p.Uuid = "3b90891d-e6fc-44cc-a1a8-e822378ec148";
and serialize it with the Contract Serializer
MemoryStream stream1 = new MemoryStream();
DataContractJsonSerializer ser = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(Person));
ser.WriteObject(stream1, p);
example to show the serialzed data:
stream1.Position = 0;
StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(stream1);