While trying to submit a Windows Phone 8 app to the Windows Store, I got the following error.
1028: The native API MSVCR110D.dll:_malloc_dbg() isn’t allowed in assembly PhoneVoIPApp.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCP110D.dll:?_Winerror_map@std@@YAPBDH@Z() isn’t allowed in assembly PhoneVoIPApp.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCR110D.dll:memcpy() isn’t allowed in assembly PhoneVoIPApp.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCR110D.dll:setvbuf() isn’t allowed in assembly PjsuaWP.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API api-ms-win-core-libraryloader-l1-1-1.dll:GetModuleHandleW() isn’t allowed in assembly PhoneVoIPApp.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API vccorlib110d.DLL:?__abi_WinRTraiseChangedStateException@@YAXXZ() isn’t allowed in assembly PjsuaWP.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API vccorlib110d.DLL:?FreeException@Heap@Details@Platform@@SAXPAX@Z() isn’t allowed in assembly PjsuaWP.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCR110D.dll:exp() isn’t allowed in assembly PjsuaWP.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API vccorlib110d.DLL:?__abi_cast_String_to_Object@__abi_details@@YAP$AAVObject@Platform@@P$AAVString@3@@Z() isn’t allowed in assembly PjsuaWP.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API vccorlib110d.DLL:??0InvalidArgumentException@Platform@@Q$AAA@P$AAVString@1@@Z() isn’t allowed in assembly PhoneVoIPApp.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCR110D.dll:wcstombs_s() isn’t allowed in assembly PjsuaWP.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCR110D.dll:?_NewCollection@_AsyncTaskCollection@details@Concurrency@@SAPAV123@PAV_CancellationTokenState@23@@Z() isn’t allowed in assembly PhoneVoIPApp.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API vccorlib110d.DLL:?UninitializeData@Details@Platform@@YAXH@Z() isn’t allowed in assembly PjsuaWP.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCR110D.dll:_snprintf() isn’t allowed in assembly PjsuaWP.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCR110D.dll:wcscpy_s() isn’t allowed in assembly PhoneVoIPApp.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCR110D.dll:strcpy() isn’t allowed in assembly PhoneVoIPApp.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API vccorlib110d.DLL:?GetActivationFactoryByPCWSTR@@YAJPAXAAVGuid@Platform@@PAPAX@Z() isn’t allowed in assembly PhoneVoIPApp.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCR110D.dll:wcscmp() isn’t allowed in assembly PjsuaWP.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCR110D.dll:_onexit() isn’t allowed in assembly PhoneVoIPApp.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCR110D.dll:_CrtDbgReportW() isn’t allowed in assembly PjsuaWP.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCR110D.dll:fmod() isn’t allowed in assembly PjsuaWP.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API vccorlib110d.DLL:??0ValueType@Platform@@Q$AAA@XZ() isn’t allowed in assembly PhoneVoIPApp.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCR110D.dll:_initterm() isn’t allowed in assembly PhoneVoIPApp.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API vccorlib110d.DLL:?__abi_WinRTraiseInvalidCastException@@YAXXZ() isn’t allowed in assembly PhoneVoIPApp.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCP110D.dll:?_Xlength_error@std@@YAXPBD@Z() isn’t allowed in assembly PjsuaWP.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API vccorlib110d.DLL:?Allocate@Heap@Details@Platform@@SAPAXI@Z() isn’t allowed in assembly PhoneVoIPApp.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCR110D.dll:isspace() isn’t allowed in assembly PjsuaWP.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCR110D.dll:_wsplitpath_s() isn’t allowed in assembly PhoneVoIPApp.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCR110D.dll:toupper() isn’t allowed in assembly PjsuaWP.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API vccorlib110d.DLL:?__abi_WinRTraiseWrongThreadException@@YAXXZ() isn’t allowed in assembly PjsuaWP.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCR110D.dll:__dllonexit() isn’t allowed in assembly PjsuaWP.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API api-ms-win-core-libraryloader-l1-1-1.dll:GetModuleHandleW() isn’t allowed in assembly PjsuaWP.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCP110D.dll:??1_Lockit@std@@QAA@XZ() isn’t allowed in assembly PhoneVoIPApp.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCR110D.dll:_initterm_e() isn’t allowed in assembly PhoneVoIPApp.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API vccorlib110d.DLL:?__abi_WinRTraiseWrongThreadException@@YAXXZ() isn’t allowed in assembly PhoneVoIPApp.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCP110D.dll:??0_Container_base12@std@@QAA@XZ() isn’t allowed in assembly PhoneVoIPApp.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API vccorlib110d.DLL:?__abi_cast_Object_to_String@__abi_details@@YAP$AAVString@Platform@@_NP$AAVObject@3@@Z() isn’t allowed in assembly PjsuaWP.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCR110D.dll:?what@exception@std@@UBAPBDXZ() isn’t allowed in assembly PhoneVoIPApp.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCR110D.dll:calloc() isn’t allowed in assembly PjsuaWP.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API api-ms-win-core-libraryloader-l1-1-1.dll:GetModuleFileNameW() isn’t allowed in assembly PhoneVoIPApp.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCR110D.dll:strchr() isn’t allowed in assembly PjsuaWP.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API vccorlib110d.DLL:?__abi_WinRTraiseChangedStateException@@YAXXZ() isn’t allowed in assembly PhoneVoIPApp.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API vccorlib110d.DLL:?GetIidsFn@@YAJHPAKPBU__s_GUID@@PAPAVGuid@Platform@@@Z() isn’t allowed in assembly PhoneVoIPApp.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCR110D.dll:fabs() isn’t allowed in assembly PjsuaWP.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCP110D.dll:_Mtx_lock() isn’t allowed in assembly PhoneVoIPApp.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCR110D.dll:clock() isn’t allowed in assembly PjsuaWP.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCR110D.dll:??2@YAPAXI@Z() isn’t allowed in assembly PhoneVoIPApp.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API vccorlib110d.DLL:?__abi_WinRTraiseFailureException@@YAXXZ() isn’t allowed in assembly PhoneVoIPApp.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API vccorlib110d.DLL:?__abi_FailFast@@YAXXZ() isn’t allowed in assembly PhoneVoIPApp.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCR110D.dll:mbstowcs() isn’t allowed in assembly PjsuaWP.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API vccorlib110d.DLL:??0Enum@Platform@@Q$AAA@XZ() isn’t allowed in assembly PjsuaWP.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCR110D.dll:wcscmp() isn’t allowed in assembly PhoneVoIPApp.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCR110D.dll:?__ExceptionPtrCreate@@YAXPAX@Z() isn’t allowed in assembly PhoneVoIPApp.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCP110D.dll:?_Throw_C_error@std@@YAXH@Z() isn’t allowed in assembly PhoneVoIPApp.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCR110D.dll:_stricmp() isn’t allowed in assembly PjsuaWP.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCP110D.dll:?_Xbad_alloc@std@@YAXXZ() isn’t allowed in assembly PjsuaWP.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API vccorlib110d.DLL:??0Enum@Platform@@Q$AAA@XZ() isn’t allowed in assembly PhoneVoIPApp.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCR110D.dll:__iob_func() isn’t allowed in assembly PjsuaWP.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCR110D.dll:_calloc_dbg() isn’t allowed in assembly PjsuaWP.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCR110D.dll:_strnicmp() isn’t allowed in assembly PjsuaWP.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCP110D.dll:?_Xbad_alloc@std@@YAXXZ() isn’t allowed in assembly PhoneVoIPApp.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API vccorlib110d.DLL:?__abi_WinRTraiseNotImplementedException@@YAXXZ() isn’t allowed in assembly PjsuaWP.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API vccorlib110d.DLL:?__abi_cast_Object_to_String@__abi_details@@YAP$AAVString@Platform@@_NP$AAVObject@3@@Z() isn’t allowed in assembly PhoneVoIPApp.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCR110D.dll:_CRT_RTC_INITW() isn’t allowed in assembly PjsuaWP.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCR110D.dll:?_RegisterCallback@_CancellationTokenState@details@Concurrency@@QAAXPAV_CancellationTokenRegistration@23@@Z() isn’t allowed in assembly PhoneVoIPApp.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCR110D.dll:sqrt() isn’t allowed in assembly PjsuaWP.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCR110D.dll:memcpy() isn’t allowed in assembly PjsuaWP.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCR110D.dll:acos() isn’t allowed in assembly PjsuaWP.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API vccorlib110d.DLL:?__abi_WinRTraiseOutOfMemoryException@@YAXXZ() isn’t allowed in assembly PhoneVoIPApp.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API vccorlib110d.DLL:?ReCreateFromException@Details@Platform@@YAJP$AAVException@2@@Z() isn’t allowed in assembly PhoneVoIPApp.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCR110D.dll:_CrtSetCheckCount() isn’t allowed in assembly PjsuaWP.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API vccorlib110d.DLL:?__abi_WinRTraiseCOMException@@YAXJ@Z() isn’t allowed in assembly PhoneVoIPApp.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API vccorlib110d.DLL:?__abi_WinRTraiseOutOfBoundsException@@YAXXZ() isn’t allowed in assembly PhoneVoIPApp.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCR110D.dll:mbstowcs_s() isn’t allowed in assembly PjsuaWP.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API vccorlib110d.DLL:?__abi_WinRTraiseOperationCanceledException@@YAXXZ() isn’t allowed in assembly PjsuaWP.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API vccorlib110d.DLL:?__abi_WinRTraiseClassNotRegisteredException@@YAXXZ() isn’t allowed in assembly PhoneVoIPApp.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCR110D.dll:wcscpy_s() isn’t allowed in assembly PjsuaWP.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API vccorlib110d.DLL:?GetIidsFn@@YAJHPAKPBU__s_GUID@@PAPAVGuid@Platform@@@Z() isn’t allowed in assembly PjsuaWP.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCR110D.dll:fopen() isn’t allowed in assembly PjsuaWP.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCR110D.dll:__CppXcptFilter() isn’t allowed in assembly PhoneVoIPApp.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCR110D.dll:strlen() isn’t allowed in assembly PhoneVoIPApp.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API vccorlib110d.DLL:?EventSourceGetTargetArrayEvent@Details@Platform@@YAPAXPAXI@Z() isn’t allowed in assembly PhoneVoIPApp.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCR110D.dll:free() isn’t allowed in assembly PjsuaWP.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCR110D.dll:_unlock() isn’t allowed in assembly PjsuaWP.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCP110D.dll:?_Debug_message@std@@YAXPB_W0I@Z() isn’t allowed in assembly PjsuaWP.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCR110D.dll:isxdigit() isn’t allowed in assembly PjsuaWP.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCR110D.dll:?terminate@@YAXXZ() isn’t allowed in assembly PhoneVoIPApp.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCR110D.dll:_amsg_exit() isn’t allowed in assembly PjsuaWP.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCP110D.dll:??0_Lockit@std@@QAA@H@Z() isn’t allowed in assembly PhoneVoIPApp.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCR110D.dll:??_U@YAPAXI@Z() isn’t allowed in assembly PjsuaWP.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCR110D.dll:setjmp() isn’t allowed in assembly PjsuaWP.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCR110D.dll:_invalid_parameter() isn’t allowed in assembly PhoneVoIPApp.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCR110D.dll:strncpy() isn’t allowed in assembly PjsuaWP.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCR110D.dll:_unlock() isn’t allowed in assembly PhoneVoIPApp.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API vccorlib110d.DLL:?__abi_WinRTraiseOperationCanceledException@@YAXXZ() isn’t allowed in assembly PhoneVoIPApp.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API vccorlib110d.DLL:?__abi_WinRTraiseInvalidCastException@@YAXXZ() isn’t allowed in assembly PjsuaWP.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCP110D.dll:_Mtx_init() isn’t allowed in assembly PjsuaWP.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCR110D.dll:?_Cancel@_CancellationTokenState@details@Concurrency@@QAAXXZ() isn’t allowed in assembly PhoneVoIPApp.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCR110D.dll:__CxxFrameHandler3() isn’t allowed in assembly PjsuaWP.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API vccorlib110d.DLL:?__abi_WinRTraiseOutOfBoundsException@@YAXXZ() isn’t allowed in assembly PjsuaWP.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCR110D.dll:printf() isn’t allowed in assembly PjsuaWP.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCR110D.dll:_invalid_parameter() isn’t allowed in assembly PjsuaWP.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCR110D.dll:longjmp() isn’t allowed in assembly PjsuaWP.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCR110D.dll:fprintf() isn’t allowed in assembly PjsuaWP.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCR110D.dll:_CrtSetCheckCount() isn’t allowed in assembly PhoneVoIPApp.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API vccorlib110d.DLL:??0NotImplementedException@Platform@@Q$AAA@XZ() isn’t allowed in assembly PjsuaWP.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCR110D.dll:__CxxFrameHandler3() isn’t allowed in assembly PhoneVoIPApp.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCR110D.dll:memcmp() isn’t allowed in assembly PhoneVoIPApp.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCP110D.dll:_Mtx_lock() isn’t allowed in assembly PjsuaWP.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCR110D.dll:_wmakepath_s() isn’t allowed in assembly PjsuaWP.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API vccorlib110d.DLL:?__abi_WinRTraiseObjectDisposedException@@YAXXZ() isn’t allowed in assembly PhoneVoIPApp.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API vccorlib110d.DLL:?TerminateModule@Details@Platform@@YA_NPAVModuleBase@1WRL@Microsoft@@@Z() isn’t allowed in assembly PjsuaWP.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API vccorlib110d.DLL:??0Exception@Platform@@Q$AAA@HP$AAVString@1@@Z() isn’t allowed in assembly PhoneVoIPApp.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API vccorlib110d.DLL:?GetIBoxArrayVtable@Details@Platform@@YAPAXPAX@Z() isn’t allowed in assembly PjsuaWP.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCR110D.dll:cos() isn’t allowed in assembly PjsuaWP.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCR110D.dll:?__ExceptionPtrCurrentException@@YAXPAX@Z() isn’t allowed in assembly PhoneVoIPApp.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCR110D.dll:_free_dbg() isn’t allowed in assembly PjsuaWP.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCR110D.dll:??_V@YAXPAX@Z() isn’t allowed in assembly PjsuaWP.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCR110D.dll:strcpy() isn’t allowed in assembly PjsuaWP.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API vccorlib110d.DLL:?ReCreateException@Exception@Platform@@SAP$AAV12@H@Z() isn’t allowed in assembly PhoneVoIPApp.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API vccorlib110d.DLL:?InitializeData@Details@Platform@@YAJH@Z() isn’t allowed in assembly PhoneVoIPApp.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCR110D.dll:_amsg_exit() isn’t allowed in assembly PhoneVoIPApp.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCR110D.dll:__clean_type_info_names_internal() isn’t allowed in assembly PjsuaWP.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCR110D.dll:memset() isn’t allowed in assembly PjsuaWP.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API vccorlib110d.DLL:??0Delegate@Platform@@Q$AAA@XZ() isn’t allowed in assembly PjsuaWP.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API vccorlib110d.DLL:?EventSourceUninitialize@Details@Platform@@YAXPAPAX@Z() isn’t allowed in assembly PhoneVoIPApp.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API MSVCR110D.dll:floor() isn’t allowed in assembly PjsuaWP.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again. 1028: The native API vccorlib110d.DLL:??0DisconnectedException@Platform@@Q$AAA@XZ() isn’t allowed in assembly PhoneVoIPApp.BackEnd.dll. Update it and then try again.
Long story short. Never build in Debug for App store submissions. You must build in Release. This includes all project references and 3rd party dlls as well.