I'm learning Raphael and I wonder how to call the same function from both events, mousedown and mouse up, in order to draw two dots with every click.
You can test the code here: jsfiddle
var w = window.innerWidth;
var h = window.innerHeight;
var paper = Raphael(0, 0, w, h);
var canvas = paper.rect(0, 0, w, h,12);
canvas.attr('fill', 'lightgrey');
canvas.mouseup(function (event, a, b) {
// get bounding rect of the paper
var bnds = event.target.getBoundingClientRect();
var targetBox = this.getBBox();
// adjust mouse x/y
var mx = event.clientX - bnds.left;
var my = event.clientY - bnds.top;
// divide x/y by the bounding w/h to get location %s and apply factor by actual paper w/h
var fx = mx/bnds.width * canvas.attrs.width + targetBox.x;
var fy = my/bnds.height * canvas.attrs.height + targetBox.y;
// cleanup output
fx = Number(fx).toPrecision(3);
fy = Number(fy).toPrecision(3);
paper.circle(fx, fy, 1).attr("fill","black", "stroke-width",0);
I'm pretty new to RaphaelJS, and I did never need to call a function from two mouse events with javascript. So, I'm confused. Any help will be appreciated.
You can just create a new function, which takes in the event parameter, like this...
canvas.mouseup( eventDraw );
canvas.mousedown( eventDraw );
function eventDraw( event ) {
//... do stuff