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insert input type column in bootstrap table

I'm having a problem in bootstrap table, I have a bootstrap table populated by a data from a database by using JQuery AJAX, what I want to do is insert/add <input type="text"/> on last column on every record.

My Jquery Script:

<script type="text/javascript">

        var baseurl = "<?php print site_url('/quotes/get'); ?>";                  

                method: "POST",
                url: baseurl,
                data: { analid: 1 },
                dataType: 'json'
                .done(function( msg ) {


                    data: msg



the script above is working displaying the data from database, then I found this reference(LINK HERE), on the bottom part of that web is where I saw some method of bootstraptable like adding static column.

Updated Code Jquery Script:

 $(function() {
    var baseurl = "<?php print site_url('index.php/quotes/get'); ?>";
            method: "POST",
            url: baseurl,
            data: {
                analid: 1
            dataType: 'json'
        .done(function(msg) {


                data: msg,
                columns: [{ //<--- here is where I lost.. I don't know what to do here or what should I add..
                    field: 'operate',
                    title: 'Item Operate',
                    align: 'center',
                    valign: 'middle',
                    clickToSelect: false,
                    formatter: operateFormatter,
                    events: operateEvents



Any alternative and optimized way solutions is much appreciated.



  • you can use column option formatter . see example HERE

    formatter : function(value,row,index) {
       return '<input name="elementname"  value="'+value+'"/>';
       //return '<input name="elementname"  value="''"/>';     here id is your field name

    The cell formatter function, take three parameters:

    1. value: the field value.
    2. row: the row record data.
    3. index: the row index.

    in this case your code will be as below.(assume that 'operate' is your last column name )

                data: msg,
                columns: [{ //<--- here is where I lost.. I don't know what to do here or what should I add..
                    field: 'operate',
                    title: 'Item Operate',
                    align: 'center',
                    valign: 'middle',
                    clickToSelect: false,
                    formatter : function(value,row,index) {
                       return '<input name="elementname"  value="'+value+'"/>';
                       //return '<input name="elementname"  value="''"/>';     here id is your field name 