I use Apache Mina Sshd API to start up a local SFTP server in java.In SFTP client i use Jcraft jsch API to create my SFTP client.I successfully start up a server.The problem is that i want to write some unit test cases to check whether client can put some files into server's root directory. Currently my SFTP server doesn't have any root directory.So i would like to know that is there is any approach to set server's root directory.
Eg: C:\sftp How can i set this path as my server root directory.so then client can read and write files to it every time connect with the server.Thank you.
public class SftpServerStarter {
private SshServer sshd;
private final static Logger logger =
public void start(){
sshd = SshServer.setUpDefaultServer();
sshd.setPasswordAuthenticator(new MyPasswordAuthenticator());
sshd.setPublickeyAuthenticator(new MyPublickeyAuthenticator());
sshd.setKeyPairProvider(new SimpleGeneratorHostKeyProvider());
Arrays.<NamedFactory<Command>>asList(new SftpSubsystem.Factory()));
sshd.setCommandFactory(new ScpCommandFactory());
try {
logger.info("Starting ...");
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
logger.info("Can not Start Server");
In Default it takes the root path from System property called user.dir
Inorder to change this, you can override getVirtualUserDir()
in NativeFileSystemView
and return your path.
sshd.setFileSystemFactory(new NativeFileSystemFactory() {
public FileSystemView createFileSystemView(final Session session) {
return new NativeFileSystemView(session.getUsername(), false) {
public String getVirtualUserDir() {
return "C:\\MyRoot";