I am using the autoform package for meteor, but when I try to update a document in a collection, I can't seem to get the _id
of the record to update it.
I am using autoform with type=method-update
so I can validate it server side. When I try the code below it fails because _id
is undefined.
{{#autoForm collection="Lessons" doc=lesson id="updateLessonForm" type="method-update" meteormethod="updateLesson"}}
{{> afFieldInput name="categoryId" firstOption="(Select a Category)" options=categoryOptions}}
{{> afQuickField name='title'}}
{{> afQuickField name='summary' rows=2}}
{{> afQuickField name='detail' rows=1}}
{{> afQuickField name='extras' rows=1}}
{{> afQuickField name='active'}}
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary btn-block">Update Lesson</button>
server side method:
updateLesson: function (doc) {
check(doc, Lessons.simpleSchema());
Lessons.update({_id: this._id}, doc);
doc._id returns undefined
doc returns:
I20150409-23:15:22.671(-5)? { '$set':
I20150409-23:15:22.672(-5)? { categoryId: 1,
I20150409-23:15:22.672(-5)? title: 'Lesson 1 update',
I20150409-23:15:22.672(-5)? summary: 'Summary for lesson 2',
I20150409-23:15:22.672(-5)? detail: '<p>dsffdsfd</p>',
I20150409-23:15:22.672(-5)? extras: '<p>fdsf</p>',
I20150409-23:15:22.672(-5)? active: false } }
if you print doc, you should get the document, so this._id
should be changed to doc._id
NOTE: try using console.log
to see the values you are getting,before do the update.
console.log(this._id)//should return undefined.
console.log(doc._id)//should return the id
console.log(doc)//should return the doc.
In order to get the _id
, you should call a second parameter.
updateLesson: function (doc,doc_id) {
check(doc, Lessons.simpleSchema());
Lessons.update({_id: this._id}, doc);