I have a main window with tabcontrol. Adding a new tabitem with a user control content. In the xaml:
<Grid><DataGrid DataContext="{Binding Path=Patients, Mode=TwoWay}">
<DataGridTextColumn Header="Id"
Binding="{Binding Id}"/>
In code behind: Opening context,
var query = from pp in context.Patients select pp;
var Patients = query.ToList();
TabItem patientsView = new TabItem(); // adding new tabitem
StackPanel header = new StackPanel
header.Children.Add(new TextBlock {Text="Patients"});
patientsView.Header = header;
patientsView.Content = new ViewDataPatients{DataContext = Patients};
It refuses to populate the bind data to the grid. Any idea where I am doing this wrong?
can't understand why you need such approach, but still. You've set DataContext of your UserControl to Patiense, so DataGrid alreay have this data context, enought the following:
<DataGrid DataContext="{Binding}">
But this is redundant in your case. To populate DataGrid with data just set ItemsSource:
<DataGrid ItemsSource="{Binding}">
Hope this helps.
King regards, Nazar