I know nothing about assembly, but I am given an assignment of this.
Please tell me how does the following code run? I mean the steps or procedures.
TITLE MASM Template (main.asm)
; Description:
; Revision date:f
INCLUDE Irvine32.inc
counter dword 1;
instruct1 BYTE"How many line are required?: ",0 ;give instruction to user to give the input
answer BYTE"Answer:",0
newline BYTE 0Dh, 0Ah
sum BYTE 0
main PROC
mov edx,OFFSET instruct1 ;move instruct1 to edx
call WriteString
call readint;
mov ecx,eax; move ecx to eax
push ecx;
mov ecx,counter
mov al,'*';add '*' into al
call writechar;
loop l2;
pop ecx;
inc counter;
call crlf;
loop l1;
main ENDP
end main
This code prints a prompt and inputs a number. It then prints that number of lines of stars. On the first line is 1 star, the second line 2 stars, and so on. I have annotated the code to make it more clear.
The code does this with two nested loops. The ecx
register is used for both loops: as a counter for the stars on each line, and for the line count. That is why ecx
is pushed and popped, so it can have another count in the inner loop.
TITLE MASM Template (main.asm) ;used for listings etc.
; Description:
; Revision date:f
INCLUDE Irvine32.inc ;include another code file
.data ;data segment
counter dword 1 ;characters per line
instruct1 BYTE"How many line are required?: ",0
answer BYTE"Answer:",0 ;irrelevant to this code
newline BYTE 0Dh, 0Ah ;used by crlf
sum BYTE 0 ;irrelevant to this code
.code ;code segment
main PROC ;declare code block
mov edx,OFFSET instruct1 ;message pointer
call WriteString ;display message
call readint ;input an integer
mov ecx,eax ;move input to line loop register
push ecx ;save line count register
mov ecx,counter ;load character counter
mov al,'*' ;the char we wish to print
call writechar ;output one char
loop L2 ;next character (count in cx)
pop ecx ;restore the line counter
inc counter ;increment characters per line
call crlf ;print the newline defined above
loop L1 ;next line (count in cx)
exit ;return to OS
main ENDP ;end code block
end main ;end of code file
If the input is 3, the output will be:
As an aside, I would criticise the author of the code for the following line, for two reasons.
mov ecx,eax ; move ecx to eax
Reason 1. The comment is back to front; move the returned value eax
to ecx
for the line counter
Reason 2: Never use a comment to explain what an instruction does, you can RTM for that. Use comments for added value, to make it clear what the purpose is.