So I'm writing a method that is supposed to prompt the user to enter their pin number as a string, which is then converted to an int (or not depending on if it throws an exception), which I need to be assigned to the int pinNumber.
The problem I'm having is that the new object is assigned a pin number by the constructor when created, and this value isn't being changed when the below method is executed. What am I missing?
public boolean canConvertToInteger()
boolean result = false;
String pinAttempt;
pinAttempt = OUDialog.request("Enter your pin number");
int pinNumber = Integer.parseInt(pinAttempt);
return true;
catch (NumberFormatException anException)
return false;
EDIT: Changed pinAttempt to pinNumber (typo)
Have a look at this block
int pinNumber = Integer.parseInt(pinAttempt);
return true;
will only have the value you expect in the scope of the try block.
I think you want to do
this.pinNumber = Integer.parseInt(pinAttempt);
return true;