Anyone who knows how to change the default port-number on which a cordova-project runs on localhost? I'm using Visual Studio 2015. In a web-application, you can easily change the portnumber of localhost in the project properties but in a cordova-project, this option doesn't exist. Didn't find a thing about it on the internet.
By default, Visual Studio 2015 sets your Cordova project to debug using Ripple emulator. I'm assuming you're seeing port 4400 as your default port.
In VS2015, go Tools -> Options. Then Search Options for Ripple Emulator - it's under tools for Apache Cordova. Then change the port number away from 4400 to whatever you want it to be.
Since this is CTP stuff, it might require you saving and restarting Visual Studio.
EDIT: I've provided a screenshot of what I see. I have VS 2015 CTP 6 (latest)