I am all new to Cucumber(jvm) and it all seems fine and dandy but :
I don't really know how to have multiple initial conditions (from various scenarios) written in various ways (elegantly) be implemented by a single method.
eg :
Scenario: I really am bad
Given I really am inexperienced with Cucumber
When I try to work
Then what I produce is of poor quality
Scenario: I am on the way to become good (hopefully)
Given I am a noob
When I learn new things
And I practice
Then my level improves
Since Given I really am inexperienced with Cucumber
and Given I am a cuke noob
(although not semantically identical) are close enough for me to be implemented in the exact same way, I would like to be able to link them to the same method but
@Given("^I really am inexperienced with Cucumber$")
@Given("^I am a cuke noob$")
public void checkMyLevelIsGenerallyLow() throws Throwable {
// some very clever code to assess then confirm my mediocre level ... something like if(true) ...
But the code presented here-above won't compile as the cucumber.api.java.en.@Given
annotation is not java.lang.annotation.@Repeatable
one simple solution would be to do something like
public void checkMyLevelIsGenerallyLow() throws Throwable {
// some very clever code to assess then confirm my mediocre level ... something like if(true) ...
@Given("^I really am inexperienced with Cucumber$")
public void check_I_really_am_inexperienced_with_Cucumber() throws Throwable {
@Given("^I am a cuke noob$")
public void check_I_am_a_cuke_noob() throws Throwable {
which would work just fine but would require lots of code for simple things and I am pretty sure there are other ways.
Or even, as I asked myself writing down this question, "Am I simply approaching this question from the right side ?", is what I am trying to acheive even a good idea in terms of BDD ?
I think it's not all bad since gherkin is supposed to hold the semantic and sentence construction and vocabulary choices are contexte (hence scenario) dependent. Yet I should be free of implementing it in whatever way I like.
be @Repeatable
It might not be the nicest way to do it but scratching my head I thought of that :
@Given("^I really am inexperienced with Cucumber$|^I am a cuke noob$")
public void checkMyLevelIsGenerallyLow() throws Throwable {
// some very clever code to assess then confirm my mediocre level ... something like if(true) ...
And it works ! It is exactly what I was looking for and can even be made a bit more readable like this :
@Given("^I really am inexperienced with Cucumber$"+
"|^I am a cuke noob$")
as blalasaadri stated @Given
may be @Repeatable
but only from Java8 and further since @Repeatable
was introduced in Java8.
To Ceiling Gecko who made me remember that the simplest and most obvious solutions are usually the best and most elegant.