I am hoping that someone knows if you can use RIMM's push service with BIS WITHOUT a hand held device. I have registered for the push evaluation and I want to program a push server that will send out notifications to BB clients. I got my email this morning containing:
Pwd: xxxXXXXX
CPID (Content Provider ID):xxx
Start Date (MM/DD/YYYY): X/X/XXXX
Expiry Date (MM/DD/YYYY):X/X/XXXX
First Name:XXXXXXX
Last Name:XXXXX
Account Type:Plus
Source IP:xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
Application Credentials (for use in your client application):
Application ID:XXX-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Push Port:xxxxx
I am hoping someone can tell me where to get started - as an iPhone developer, I have to say, there is much more information.
Lastly, if I DO need a device, does that device have to have a dataplan? I wanted to be able to serve my clients from WiFi as well, does the BB push system work only on Cell networks?
Thank you
Since the Push server needs a PIN number, and that all simulator got the same PIN , you need a real device and an Dataplan to test it.
They can't reach a Simulator because you are not on any known Carrier.