Beginner: I am using the Jquery File upload plugin (backload) from blueimp to create a file uploader and wanted to configure the maxFileSize and Accept File Size options of File upload.
i can either set them up in jquery-fileupload-validate or while initializing the fileupload widget as:
maxFileSize: 500000,
acceptFileTypes: /(\.|\/)(doc|docx?g|png)$/i,
I am using MVC4 razor and wanted to make this configurable through a config, so that it can be changed without changing the code.
I have some model properties created and wanted to see the various way i can do it like by creating a config file or if there is a way to use the web config or backload config?
Added appsettings in the web.config and added two model properties to get the values in the javascript.
we are also doing server side validations to avoid any security attacks