Search code examples

How to search by text and value in Kendo Dropdown List.

$(document).ready(function() {
                    filter: "startswith",
                    dataTextField: "ProductName",
                    dataValueField: "ProductID",
                    dataSource: {
                        type: "odata",
                        serverFiltering: true,
                        transport: {
                            read: {
                                url: "",

How can i search by value and text together in kendo dropdown list. a better example you can find here

Now i can search by only text. suppose I want to search by employee id & name together. now i can search by only name.

is it possible? or not. Give me clue to continue digging.

I will appreciate your help.


  • Just on the ServerFiltering to true and handle your query in server side and response the result....

    below is my angular controller:

    $scope.reportingPersonOptoins = {
                filter: "startswith",
                autoBind: true,
                dataSource: {
                    serverFiltering: true,
                    transport: {
                        read: {
                            dataType: "json",
                            type: "POST",
                            url: baseurl + "employee/get_employee_list"
                dataTextField: "first_name",
                dataValueField: "employee_id",
                optionLabelTemplate: "---Select Reporting Person---",
                template: '<span>#: data.employee_id #, #: data.first_name # #: data.last_name # </span>',
                valueTemplate: '<span>#: data.employee_id #, #: data.first_name # #: data.last_name # </span>',

    and this is my server wrappers

    receive the value by :

     header('Content-Type: application/json');
     $receive = $this->input->post();
    if (isset($receive['filter'])) {
            $data = $receive['filter']['filters'][0]['value'];
        } else {
            $data = NULL;

    and run the query accordingly

    $this->db->select('hr_employee.employee_id, hr_employee.first_name, hr_employee.last_name, hr_employee_employment.branch_id')
                ->join('hr_employee_employment', 'hr_employee.employee_id = hr_employee_employment.employee_id')
                ->where(array("hr_employee.is_active" => 1, "hr_employee.is_admin" => 0));
        if ($data !== NULL) {
            $this->db->or_like("hr_employee.employee_id", $data);
            $this->db->or_like("hr_employee.first_name", $data);
            $this->db->or_like("hr_employee.last_name", $data);
        $query = $this->db->get('hr_employee');

    Wow!!! cheers!!