I'm debugging a stripe payments initializer in rails. I want it to notify me if the current environment is the production environment so I can see if Stripe is getting the right keys. How would you use an initializer to print to the console or put information in a view?
Edit - Here's the initializer
if Rails.env.production?
Rails.configuration.stripe = {
publishable_key: ENV[ 'PUBLISHABLE_KEY' ],
secret_key: ENV[ 'SECRET_KEY' ]
Rails.configuration.stripe = {
publishable_key: 'pk_test_UQ2EqhNNQRrDkD5V0Z1xgpS5',
secret_key: 'sk_test_hkiYUTQzHiCTBfHuUSXpUP7n'
So I'm using Heroku. Running
heroku run console
runs a console in Heroku and
returns the environment.