I am looking for a way to start the marquee
(text slider) from the center to the left.
Because if I reload my page, marquee is blank.
Please note that marquee
is obsolete in HTML5, and its events aren't well-supported.
That said, one way would be using text-indent
, but it makes it scroll slightly shifted. To workaround that you could reduce its property slowly on a setInterval
. See this fiddle, or run the following snippet:
var textIndentPercent = 50;
var marqueeCenteringInterval = setInterval(function() {
document.getElementById('my-marquee').style.textIndent = -textIndentPercent + '%';
textIndentPercent -= 0.1;
if (textIndentPercent < 0) {
document.getElementById('my-marquee').style.textIndent = '0px';
}, 100);
<marquee id="my-marquee" style="">This is basic example of marquee</marquee>