Sometimes, C++'s notion of privacy just baffles me :-)
class Foo
struct Bar;
Bar* p;
Bar* operator->() const
return p;
struct Foo::Bar
void baz()
std::cout << "inside baz\n";
int main()
Foo::Bar b; // error: 'struct Foo::Bar' is private within this context
Foo f;
f->baz(); // fine
Since Foo::Bar
is private
, I cannot declare b
in main
. Yet I can call methods from Foo::Bar
just fine. Why the hell is this allowed? Was that an accident or by design?
Oh wait, it gets better:
Foo f;
auto x = f.operator->(); // :-)
Even though I am not allowed to name the type Foo::Bar
, it works just fine with auto
Noah wrote:
type names defined within a class definition cannot be used outside their class without qualification.
Just for fun, here is how you can get at the type from outside:
#include <type_traits>
const Foo some_foo();
typedef typename std::remove_pointer<decltype( some_foo().operator->() )>::type Foo_Bar;
Trying to find anything in the standard that would spell it out in detail but I can't. The only thing I can find is 9.9:
Type names obey exactly the same scope rules as other names. In particular, type names defined within a class definition cannot be used outside their class without qualification.
Essentially, the name of Foo::Bar is private to Foo, not the definition. Thus you can use Bars outside of Foo, you just can't refer to them by type since that name is private.
The name lookup rules for members would also seem to have some effect on this. I don't see anything that specifically references "nested class" and thus they wouldn't be allowed to (if my lack of finding anything in fact is because it's not there).