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Possible to get ant's javah commandline?

Ant task:

<target name="regenerateJNIHeader" description="Re-generates the JNI header">
    <echo message="Re-generating JNI header" />
    <attrib readonly="false">
        <fileset dir="." includes="**/MyAPI*.h"/>
    <javah class="com.MyAPI" force="yes" verbose="yes"/>

Problem is, I made a change (added a method) to MyAPI, but, despite clearing the header file and compiled class files, when I run this task, my new method is not added. If I run javah com.MyAPI, it works properly.

Possible to see the commandline for ant tasks as it executes them?


  • Solved the issue. Not quite what I was asking, but I found the info I needed.

    I set the ant commandline to have -v (verbose), which printed out much more info. In the output, I saw the classpath, which I had not set. Added the classpath attribute to the javah task and set it to "." and now the generated header contains my new method.

    I am surmising that, despite not explicitly mentioning it in the classpath (in the javah task verbose output), it must have been looking for the specified class in a jar which I'd placed in $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext.