In my eclipse project I have set a target platform via target definition file.
I've noticed that a specific plug-in is present in two different versions: 1.7.9 and 1.7.2. I checked this by doing "Window -> Show View -> Plug-in Development -> Target Platform State" and search for the plug-in name.
Both versions appear and they are located in .metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.pde.core\.bundle_pool\plugins
I want to get rid of 1.7.2, but when I open the target definition file it does only refer to the 1.7.9 version:
<unit id="slf4j.api" version="1.7.9"/>
How can I find out where the plug-in originates from, in order to get rid of it?
Use version="0.0.0" which say use the latest version of the plug-in available. See this bug and explanation here
"content.xml" and "artifacts.xml" contain metadata for the exported files.
Read p2 concepts section in the blog p2 updates for Eclipse RCP applications for more details.
Check these links