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Converting postscript file to pdf not working

Update: Sample of the excel data I'm trying to pdf and the pdf file that is usually created below Excel - PDF -

The problem seems to be that the process isn't detecting any content in the worksheet - any advice on how I can 'activate' the content?


I have a VBA macro that converts an excel report to PDF files - I want to replicate the code across several workbooks but when I do it works in some workbook and not others.

The code is below - I update the four Const values in each to the relevant cell / value for each workbook and I've checked that the same references are selected in each workbook.

When I run the code it loops through, changing the index cell and produces a PDF with the new data. In one of the workbooks though the PDFs are not being created, I have stepped through the code and it creates the postscript file but does not convert it to PDF.

Public Sub ExportGraphs()

Const indexCell = "B55"
Const totalCell = "D55"
Const authorityName = "B5"
Const fileName = "Civic cultural and community venues performance indicator standings report 2013-14 - "

Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.ShowWindowsInTaskbar = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.EnableEvents = False

Dim i As Integer

Dim awb As Workbook
Set awb = ThisWorkbook

Dim myPDF As PdfDistiller
Set myPDF = New PdfDistiller

For i = 1 To awb.Worksheets("PIN").Range(totalCell).Value

awb.Worksheets("PIN").Range(indexCell).Value = i

Dim strGraphLoc, strPIN As String

strPIN = awb.Sheets("PIN").Range(authorityName).Value & " " &   awb.Worksheets("PIN").Range("B6").Value

strGraphLoc = awb.Path & "/"

Dim PSFileName As String
Dim PDFFileName As String

PSFileName = strGraphLoc & fileName & strPIN & ".ps"
PDFFileName = strGraphLoc & fileName & strPIN & ".pdf"

'Print the Excel range to the postscript file
awb.Sheets("PIN").PrintOut copies:=1, from:=1, preview:=False, ActivePrinter:="Acrobat Distiller", printtofile:=True, collate:=True, prtofilename:=PSFileName

'Convert the postscript file to .pdf

myPDF.FileToPDF PSFileName, PDFFileName, ""

Kill PSFileName
Kill strGraphLoc & fileName & strPIN & ".log"

Next i

Set myPDF = Nothing

Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.ShowWindowsInTaskbar = True
Application.EnableEvents = True

End Sub

Any help would be greatly appreciated, I can't for the life of me work out why it works in some and not others.

In the workbook I am having trouble with, a 0kb postscript file is created and a text file which states:

%%[ Warning: Empty job. No PDF file produced. ] %%


  • After tearing my hair out and failing to find a solution for almost 6 months my colleague has just sussed it - the file name of the PDF we were trying to create was too long, we shortened and it works fine now!

    I'm going for a lie-down