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Backbone.js Error when binding a model to a view

I´m new to Backbone.js, but after some research I still couldn´t find the source of my problem.

I am developing an App and I have a collection of models, which I eventually want to display in a view (just one model at a time).

Here´s my code so far:

    var App = {
        Item: Backbone.Model.extend({
            defaults: function() {
                return {
                    id: -1,
                    name: '',
                    imageReference: '',
                    itemTags: []
            sync: function()  { return null; },
            fetch: function() { return null; },
            save: function()  { return null; }
        Items: Backbone.Collection.extend({
            model: this.Item,
        ItemView: Backbone.View.extend({
            el: "#itemdiv",
            tagName: "<div>",
            className: "item",
            template: _.template($("#template-item-view").html()),
            initialize: function(model) {
                this.model = model;
                this.listenTo(this.model, "change", this.render);
            render: function() {
                return this;
    var items = new App.Items();
    items.add(new App.Item({name: "iPhone", id: 1, imageReference: "iPhone.jpg", ["mobile", "smartphone"]}));
    items.add(new App.Item({name: "MacBook", id: 2, imageReference: "MacBook.jpg", ["laptop", "computer"]}));

All of the above works. When I inspect items it has the two models including the parameters. But when I try to add a new item directly to the Collection with Collection.create() like:

    items.create({name: "Apple Watch", id: 3, imageReference: "AppleWatch.jpg", ["watch", "redundant"]});

it throws an error:

TypeError: undefined is not a constructor (evaluating 'new this.model(attrs, options)')

In case it helps, this error appears in Backbone.js in line 915 (dev version), the wrapping function is

/* from Backbone.js, Dev-Version, Line 911-919 */
_prepareModel: function(attrs, options) {
  if (attrs instanceof Model) return attrs;
  options = options ? _.clone(options) : {};
  options.collection = this;
  var model = new this.model(attrs, options);
  if (!model.validationError) return model;
  this.trigger('invalid', this, model.validationError, options);
  return false;

I can´t figure out if that is just a small bug or if something with my architecture is wrong. Am very thankful for help and also on comments towards best practices, etc.

Thanks in advance!


  • You have an error in your add lines:

    items.add(new App.Item({name: "iPhone", id: 1, imageReference: "iPhone.jpg", ["mobile", "smartphone"]}));
    items.add(new App.Item({name: "MacBook", id: 2, imageReference: "MacBook.jpg", ["laptop", "computer"]}));

    Should be:

    items.add(new App.Item({name: "iPhone", id: 1, imageReference: "iPhone.jpg", itemTags: ["mobile", "smartphone"]}));
    items.add(new App.Item({name: "MacBook", id: 2, imageReference: "MacBook.jpg", itemTags: ["laptop", "computer"]}));

    The field itemTags was missing. Does that fix it?

    The point at which the following is run:

    Items: Backbone.Collection.extend({
        model: this.Item,

    this isn't known.

    So if you're namespacing to encapsulate your code do one of either:

    var App = {}
    App.item = Backbone.Model.extend({...})
    App.items = Backbone.Collection.extend({...})
    App.itemView = Backbone.View.extend({...})


    (function() {
        var item = Backbone.Model.extend({...})
        var items = Backbone.Collection.extend({...})
        var itemView = Backbone.View.extend({...})
        var items.add({})
        var items.add({})