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Tabitem.focus only focuses on tabitem header

Hey. I have a tabcontrol that is bound to an observable collection.

I've tried doing

var tabitem = (TabItem)this.SingleOrDefault(ti => ti.Name == tabname);

And it does seem like it focuses on the tabitem, but only on a btn in the header of the tabitem, not on the content. the tabitem content is another usercontrol.

How can I change the focus to the content, so that the tab actually is selected and not just the tabheader

I know of tabcontrol.selecteditem, but Iøm not really sure how I would implement this as the observablecollection is actually a class that i've called ObservableTabCollection, that just implements observable collection.


  • My solution became to simply create a method on the observabletabcollection that would associate the tabcontrol with the observabletabcollection

    public TabControl AssociatedTabControl;
    internal void BindToTabControl(TabControl TabCtrl)
                AssociatedTabControl = TabCtrl;

    and then inside a method call

    if (AssociatedTabControl != null) AssociatedTabControl.SelectedItem = tabitem;