I have some code that adds text using a private font to a PDF file using PDFSharp. This works successfully if the font is located on the local file system but does not work when I provide it with a url to a font stored on a Azure blog storage. I also tried using a google font on their CDN, which also didn't work. Is there some problem with loading fonts from a web url?
The sample code is below. Note that I have solved the CORS issue on Azure blob storage so it isn't that.
private readonly XPdfFontOptions _fontOptions =
new XPdfFontOptions(PdfFontEncoding.Unicode, PdfFontEmbedding.Always);
private static readonly XPrivateFontCollection PrivateFontCollection =
public async Task Test01RawPdfSharp()
var account = "labelapptest";
var fs = new FileStore(account);
var fontUrl =
"http://labelapptest.blob.core.windows.net/designernospamcom/justyna sokolowska - erazm-regular.otf";
var pdfUrl =
var fontFamily = "Erazm Regular";
var localFontPath = Path.Combine(TestFileHelpers.GetTestDataFileDirectory(@"\TestFonts"),
"Justyna Sokolowska - Erazm-Regular.otf");
var sFontFamilyname = "./#" + fontFamily;
var uri = new Uri(fontUrl);
PrivateFontCollection.Add(uri, sFontFamilyname);
var readDirStatus = await fs.GetDirHandleAsync(FileStorageTypes.LabelHighRezBlank);
using (var readStream = new MemoryStream())
await readDirStatus.Result.ReadFileAsync(readStream, pdfUrl);
readStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
var document = PdfReader.Open(readStream);
var gfx = XGraphics.FromPdfPage(document.Pages[0]);
var font = new XFont(fontFamily, new XUnit(12, XGraphicsUnit.Point), XFontStyle.Regular, _fontOptions);
var brush = new XSolidBrush(XColor.FromKnownColor(XKnownColor.Red));
gfx.DrawString("Hello world", font, brush, 10, 10);
In the example above if I use the fontUrl
in the uri for adding the font then the code fails at the line where the XFont is created (6th from bottom). If on the other hand I use the localFontPath
then it works.
The error is: Cannot get a matching glyph typeface for font 'Erazm Regular'
at line at PdfSharp.Drawing.XFont.Initialize() in XFont.cs: line 234.
NOTE: I have downloaded and edited the 1.32 PDFSharp code to replace the Debugger.Break
statement with an exception at this point. The NuGet version has a Debugger.Break
which causes a hang in released code - see my SO question about that issue.
In the end I swapped to PDFsharp WPF 1.50 beta as its font handling is much better and I wasn't getting anywhere with the problem of loading a font via a http link. Seems to be working really well.
The call to PrivateFontCollection.Add(uri, sFontFamilyname)
just passes the URI to new System.Windows.Media.FontFamily(baseUri, familyName)
. I don't know whether Media.FontFamily can handle URIs for Azure storage.
We use the PrivateFontCollection with fonts from resources - and loading fonts from resources is the only sample given in the help for FontFamily Constructor (Uri, String)
. That's the type of URI that is known to work with PDFsharp.
The syntax for FontFamily Constructor (Uri, String)
is somewhat cryptic and the smallest error will lead to "not found".