As the title says, the popovers will not show properly if off screen. This seems like it makes sense, but the arrow for the popover still shows up. I need the popover to be visible on the page even if it is off screen.
I am using the popovers to serve as validation notices on my form. I am using jquery validate, the plugin.
This is the image of what happens.
Here is the code for the validation:
$(document).ready(function () {
onsubmit: false,
rules: {
ctl00$MainContent$txtEventName: { required: true },
ctl00$MainContent$txtEventDate: { required: true, date: true },
ctl00$MainContent$txtEventGuests: { required: true, number: true },
ctl00$MainContent$txtZip: { required: true, number: true, minlength: 5 },
ctl00$MainContent$txtEmail: { required: true, email: true },
ctl00$MainContent$txtPwd: { required: true },
ctl00$MainContent$txtConfirmPwd: { equalTo: "#MainContent_txtPwd" }
messages: {
ctl00$MainContent$txtEventName: "Please enter the event name",
ctl00$MainContent$txtEventDate: "Please enter a date that is not before today",
ctl00$MainContent$txtEventGuests: "Please enter the amount of guests attending the event",
ctl00$MainContent$txtZip: "Please enter a valid zipcode",
ctl00$MainContent$txtEmail: "Please enter a valid email address",
ctl00$MainContent$txtConfirmPwd: "Your passwords must match"
showErrors: function (errorMap, errorList) {
//$.each(this.successList, function(index, value) {
// return $(value).popover("hide");
return $.each(errorList, function(index, value) {
var _popover;
_popover = $(value.element).popover({
placement: "right",
content: value.message,
template: "<div class=\"popover\" style='width: 195px;'><div class=\"arrow\"></div><div class=\"popover-inner\"><div class=\"popover-content\"></div></div></div>"
return $(value.element).popover("show");
submitHandler: function (form) { // for demo
return false; // for debug
Does anyone have any ideas on what I could do to fix this?
Your methodology is slightly flawed. showErrors
is used for composing a list of error messages for the whole form; it's not typically used to handle each message as it happens. For tooltips, you'll need to deal with each message as it occurs, not all of them at once.
For showing/hiding tooltips for your errors, you'll need to use the errorPlacement
and success
callback functions instead.
Adjust as needed for Bootstrap popovers...
$(document).ready(function () {
// rules and options here,
errorPlacement: function (error, element) {
// construct tooltip with message as per plugin method
// show tooltip
success: function (label, element) {
// hide tooltip as per plugin method
Alternatively, here is a plugin that is supposed to automatically integrate jQuery Validate with Bootstrap Popovers, however, I have never used it myself.