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How to pass authentication header (basic) to OData Service from a .NetClient

I was trying to implement a client for a odata service by following this article

Challanges that I had:

Following the steps in the article, I figured that

1) the (ProductClient).odata.config was not auto generated - we could create one though

2) Client that requires credentials to access the endpoint (well in my case it was basic auth)

3) Most important- couldnt find a related article on stackoverflow as well :)

Have posted the solution below for newbies like me!


  • Solution

    In order to achieve something similar to what is mentioned in the article (ie)

    accessing strongly typed Odata entities via Odata endpoint that requires authentication -

    static void ReadingODataEndPointByPassingMyBasicAuthCreds() {
      // e.g. URL =  http://localhost/myApi/odata
      var url = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MyAPIBaseUrl"]; 
      var container = new MyApi.Container(new Uri(url));
      container.SendingRequest2 += SendBaseAuthCredsOnTheRequest;
      foreach(var myEntity in container.MyEntities) {
       Console.Write(string.Format("Description: {0}", myEntity.Description));
     private static void SendBaseAuthCredsOnTheRequest(object sender,
      System.Data.Services.Client.SendingRequest2EventArgs e) {
      var authHeaderValue = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(String.Format("{0}:{1}", ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["username"]
                            , ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["password"])));
      //this is where you pass the creds.
      e.RequestMessage.SetHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + authHeaderValue); 