Search code examples

Searching node in list both works and does not work

This might be a bad question but I'm completly lost. I have this code:

struct nodoTemas* search_in_list(char * val, struct nodoTemas **prev,struct nodoTemas *head/*, struct nodoTemas *curr*/)
struct nodoTemas *ptr = head;
struct nodoTemas *tmp = NULL;
bool found = false;

printf("\n Searching the list for value [%s] \n",val);

while(ptr != NULL)
    if(ptr->nombreTema == val)
        found = true;

        tmp = ptr;
        ptr = ptr->next;

if(true == found)
        *prev = tmp;
    return ptr;
    return NULL;//si no ha encontrado nada devuelve NULL


And I test it, in a specific file to test it, like this:

char * var="tema1";
char * var2="tema2";
struct nodoTemas* nodoBuscado;
char *temaABuscar="tema4";
nodoBuscado=search_in_list(temaABuscar, NULL,head);

    printf("VALOR DEL NODO %s\n",nodoBuscado->nombreTema);

And it works perfectly fine no matter what I do. If I look for something that exists it prints it and so on. Now on my main file I get the char * my server gets the char * from a message. I thought this failed so I tried several things, this being one of them:

printf("MATCH %d \n" , strcmp(temaRecibido,head->nombreTema));

And I get a 0 as a result. So the strings are the same. But the search fails, in this other file. I've printed it, I've checked for their strlen sizes, and it all matches.

So I believe I'm looking at the wrong side but I cannot understand why code that is working in one place does not work in other. Should I look for the mistake somewhere else? Also, if I do strlen of a string WITH null and one without null, are they the same size? man says it excludes the terminating byte but I am unsure about this.

I'm sorry if the post is lacking I wasn't sure how to properly present it.


  • You cannot compare strings like

    if(ptr->nombreTema == val)

    You should use strcmp

    if(strcmp(ptr->nombreTema, val) == 0)