I want to automatically replace all occurrences of
if(variable!=null && variable.equals(value)) ...
if(StringUtils.equals(variable, value)) ...
in a type-aware manner. That means, that variable
and value
should be sure to be String
(not just lexicographical processing, eg. with awk/perl).
Also it should be flexible enough to apply for value
as literal as well as a constant (final static
) or another variable or parameter -- anything that is sure to be a String
in this context. Also, there may be more boolean expressions following.
I suspect that Java Std API may help here, but the code-transformation itself is not handled by that API, just the access to the code.
If you are using netbeans you can use a custom refactoring:
Menu Refactor/Inspect and Transform/Browse/New/Edit Script:
<!description="Convert to StringUtils.equals">
$var!=null && $var.equals($val) :: $var instanceof java.lang.String
=> StringUtils.equals($var, $val)