I would like to encode to json a field of type List[E]
using argonaut lib.
sealed trait Msg[E] {
val contents: List[E]
def send(): Unit = {
val json = contents.asJson
println("Sending json: " + json.toString())
Then I have a StringMsg
case class:
case class StringMsg(contents: List[String]) extends Msg[String]
The argonaut lib defines the JsonIdentity[J]
trait JsonIdentity[J] {
val j: J
* Encode to a JSON value using the given implicit encoder.
def jencode(implicit e: EncodeJson[J]): Json =
When I create a new instance of StringMsg
and call the send()
method, I have the following error:
could not find implicit value for parameter e: argonaut.EncodeJson[List[E]]
Your API should require implicit argonaut.EncodeJson[List[E]]
from client code:
sealed trait Msg[E] {
val contents: List[E]
implicit def encodeJson: argonaut.EncodeJson[List[E]] //to be implemented in subclass
def send(): Unit = {
val json = contents.asJson
println("Sending json: " + json.toString())
abstract class Msg[E](implicit encodeJson: argonaut.EncodeJson[List[E]]) {
val contents: List[E]
def send(): Unit = {
val json = contents.asJson
println("Sending json: " + json.toString())
sealed trait class Msg[E] {
val contents: List[E]
def send()(implicit encodeJson: argonaut.EncodeJson[List[E]]): Unit = {
val json = contents.asJson
println("Sending json: " + json.toString())
Somewhere in the client-code:
case class StringMsg(contents: List[String]) extends Msg[String] {
implicit val encodeJson = argonaut.StringEncodeJson
import argonaut.StringEncodeJson //or even import argonaut._
case class StringMsg(contents: List[String]) extends Msg[String]() //implicit will be passed here
import argonaut.StringEncodeJson //or even import argonaut._
case class StringMsg(contents: List[String]) extends Msg[String]
val a = StringMsg(Nil)
a.send() //implicit will be passed here