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Erlang escript launching application with start parameters

Currently my Erlang application is started within an escript (TCP server) and all works fine since it uses the default port I provided. Now I want to pass the port via the escript to the application but I have no idea how. (The app runs a supervisor)


!/usr/bin/env escript
%% -*- erlang -*-


main([UDPort, TCPort]) ->
   U = list_to_integer(UDPort),
   T = list_to_integer(TCPort),

    app:start(), %% Want to pass T into the startup.
    _ -> ok




-export([start/0, start/2, stop/0, stop/1]).

-define(PORT, 4300).

start () -> application:start(?MODULE). %% This is called by the escript.
stop () -> application:stop(?MODULE).

start (_StartType, _StartArgs) -> supervisor:start(?PORT).
stop (_State) -> ok.

I'm honestly not sure if this is possible with using application but I thought it best to just ask.


  • The common way is to start things from whatever shell just calling

    erl -run foo

    But you can also do

    erl -appname key value

    to set an environment value and then

    application:get_env(appname, key)

    to get the value you are looking for.

    That said...

    I like to have service applications be things that don't have to shut down to be (re)configured. I usually include some message protocol like {config, Aspect, Setting} or similar that can alter the basic state of a service on the fly. Because I often do this I usually just wind up having whatever script starts up the application also send a configuration message to it.

    So with this in mind, consider this rough conceptual example:

    !/usr/bin/env escript
    %% -*- erlang -*-
    main([UDPort, TCPort]) ->
        U = list_to_integer(UDPort),
        T = list_to_integer(TCPort),
        ok = case whereis(app) of
            undefined ->  app:start();
            _Pid      ->  ok
        ok = set_ports(U, T).
    %% Just an illustration.
    %% Making this a synchronous gen_server/gen_fsm call is way better.
    set_ports(U, T) ->
        app ! {config, listen, {tcp, T}},
        app ! {config, listen, {udp, U}},

    Now not only is the startup script a startup script, it is also a config script. The point isn't to have a startup script, it is to have a service running on the ports you designated. This isn't a conceptual fit for all tools, of course, but it should give you some ideas. There is also the practice of putting a config file somewhere the application knows to look and just reading terms from it, among other techniques (like including ports in the application specification, etc.).


    I just realized you are doing this in an escript which will spawn a new node every time you call it. To make the technique above work properly you would need to make the escript name a node for the service to run on, and locate it if it already exists.